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Tuesday 11 November 2014

Someone Please Explain Robert Pattinson’s New Haircut

Attention, world. This is a style PSA: We need to discuss Robert Pattinson’s new hair ASAP. Last night, our boy (who typically rocks his signature“controlled chaos” bedhead) was spotted with FKA Twigs in NYC—gasp—sans hair.
Well, sort of. The more we started to investigate his ’do, the more confusing it became. Just… just let the pics do the talking.
Aw, it’s just R Pattz and FKA Twigs hangin’ out together. But wait…
Robert PattinsonSplash News
…Did he shave his head?!
Robert Pattinson Splash News
It looks like it, but what’s that little tendril doing there?
Robert PattinsonSplash News
And, hold on, he also has a strip of hair along the back of his head?
Robert PattinsonSplash News
Is it a mohawk? A chic rattail? Some explain this to us, please. We. Need. Answers. Kthxbye.
Robert Pattinson

source: mtv news

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