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Tuesday 11 November 2014

Guy Caught His Friend’s Wife Cheating And Posted The Evidence On YouTube

Well, here we have a moral dilemma on top of a moral dilemma. There’s a video making the rounds which depicts a woman canoodling with a man at a bar. She is then confronted by a third person, who is filming the whole thing. This third person claims he is the best friend of the woman’s husband, and was the best man at their wedding, and she admits the man she is canoodling with is most definitely not her husband.

The woman can only hang her head in shame, caught on camera in the midst of infidelity. Editor’s note: It appears real, but we haven’t been able to confirm it.

But did the hero break Guy Code by posting the video? When you know your friend is being cheated on, it’s a very delicate situation — often you’re not even sure if you should tell him, let alone the world. Was he too overzealous in his best friend/man duties?
Or perhaps the husband gave him the greenlight to post it. All we know is, the side beef guy played it exactly right: He wisely took out his own phone, flashlight on, thus obscuring his own face. In fact, it’s almost like he’s been in this situation before. I have been writing about cheating in few articles, well this is crazy but please answer the question below

What Would You Do If You Caught Your Friend's Wife Cheating?

source:mtv news

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