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Sunday 23 November 2014

Nene Leakes Uses Cinderella Costume to Spoof Kim Kardashian

Nene Leakes is pulling a Kim Kardashian.
Leakes is using her Broadway wardrobe to spoof the fellow reality star who attempted to break the internet with those nude Paper magazine photos from Nov. 12. 
Leakes, 46, will play the role of the wicked stepmother in Cinderella on Broadway. When she tried on her Victorian ball gown in New York City on Friday, she posted this picture showing that she too can hold on a drink on her backside just like Kim, 34.
She even does a side-by-side comparison with this pic and makes sure to put an "lol" in there to show she's laughing about breaking the internet too.
The Real Housewife of Atlanta star will make her big debut in Cinderella on November 25 through January 3. 
credit: etonline

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