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Friday 27 February 2015

Rumour by FG: ISIS Recruits Nigerian Youth

Nigeria’s Federal Government (FG) raised an alarm yesterday, February 26th, that Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) is redicalising and recruiting Nigerian youth, who are studying abroad.
FG asked parents and protectors to monitor their wards closely.
The Coordinator of the National Information Centre (NIC), Mike Omeri said this while speaking with journalists on security situation in the country, in Abuja.
According to him, the call became authoritative based on intelligent report at the government’s removal.
Mr. Omeri, urged rich Nigerians whose children are abroad to keep a close eye on them, citing the radicalisation of Farouk Abdulmutallab, the underclothing bomber, abroad.
“The centre also wishes to alert the nation of intelligence reports indicating the radicalisation of our youths through the social media and a variety of other sources,” he said.
The reports show that these youths who are mostly children of the rich and affluent are being recruited into ISIS.
“We, therefore, call on parents and guardians, especially those whose wards are schooling abroad, to closely monitor the activities of these students who may be susceptible to the antics of the promoters of the ISIS ideology.”
Omeri also spoke on the achievements recorded by the Nigerian military in the North East, assuring Nigerians that very soon, all the territories under Boko Haram would be recovered.
Since our last briefing on Wednesday, February 18, 2015 some remarkable success has been recorded by the Nigerian military forces in the ongoing war against terror in the northeastern part of the country.
“This success includes the stiff resistance against insurgent incursion into the country at several locations and the recapture of several towns and settlements, which had Boko Haram presence earlier. These include Gabchari, Abba Jabari, Gajigana, Gajiram, Damakar, Kumaliwa, Bosso, Wanti, Jeram and Karisungul, which are currently under the firm control of our gallant troops.
“These are in addition to Hong, Mubi North/South, Maiha, Michika, Shuwa, Wuro Gyambi, Gombi, Vimtim, Uba and Bazza (Adamawa); Mafa, Gamboru-Ngala, Malam-Fatori, Abadam, Marte, Monguno and Baga (Borno); Gujba and Gulani (Yobe) which had earlier been liberated.”
Mr. Omeri advised Nigerians to be watchful, warning that Boko Haram militants being dislodged in the North East, might be scattering into other states across the country to launch attacks on soft targets.
The incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan visited territories reclaimed by Boko Haram, yesterday, February 26th.
It should be noted that Nigeria’s insurgent group is also known for using social accounts. Two of the previous Twitter accounts of the group were suspended. Though, one was banned because of showing training of child soldiers.
by naij.com

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