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Wednesday 28 January 2015

video:Kim Kardashian on Bruce Jenner: 'He's the Happiest I've Ever Seen Him'

Kim Kardashian is letting Bruce Jenner speak for himself.
The 65-year-old former Olympian has been the subject of rumors that he may be transgender for some time now, fueled by reports that he allegedly underwent surgery to flatten his Adam's apple, as well photos of him stepping out with long hair and nail polish.
Stopping by ET to celebrate the upcoming debut of her T-Mobile Super Bowl ad, Kim addressed the rumors Bruce faces.
"I think everyone goes through things in life, and I think that story and what Bruce is going through, I think he'll share whenever the time is right," she says. "I feel like that's his journey to talk about."
She can say, however, that Bruce is currently "the happiest" she's ever seen him.
Earlier this month, In Touch magazine Photoshopped a picture of Bruce to make it appear as if he was wearing makeup and women's clothing, which ran with the headline, "Bruce's Story: My Life As a Woman." Last Monday, the Kardashian-Jenner daughters seemingly rallied around Bruce in a show of support, Instagramming and captioning a photo with him, "Family First."
"Well we support Bruce no matter what, so we were just at his house hanging out and we wanted to take a picture, that was not like a secret message like, 'We support Bruce,'" Kim clarifies. "Of course we support Bruce 100 percent."
Kim tells ET, "He's our dad so we support him no matter what, and I think when the time is right, he'll talk about whatever he wants to talk about. I just think it's his story to talk about, not really mine."
The 34-year-old reality star has, of course, herself been the subject of plenty of rumors -- recently focused on whether she's having baby number two. But Kim tells us that she's not pregnant at this time -- though she definitely wants to be.
"We've been trying, we've been trying!" Kim says about having another sibling for North West. "I pray about it."
As for her relationship with Kanye, the two couldn't be happier. In fact, the two are "obsessed" with one another.
"We stay home and hang out, we are truly obsessed with each other," she admits. "We have the most normal relationship, if you can call anything about us normal. We have a really normal relationship and we are just happy."
And it turns out Kanye is quite the helpful husband, giving her everything from fashion advice to making her lunches.
"I mean, we do everything [together] from right as I was leaving here, like, 'How do I look babe? How does my outfit look?' And you know, he's like 'Eww, those shoes are bad, take those off, here, put these on, OK, are you hungry? Here, let me hurry up and make your lunch before you go.’ We are together all the time and always wanting each other's opinions -- and we are just best friends."
Hopefully Kanye's lunches are nutritious, as Kim reveals that she's seeing a nutritionist to address what she described as a 15-pount weight gain.
"I just started seeing a nutritionist because I don't understand why," she says about the added pounds. "I mean, I do [understand], because I eat really bad. I just started to eat really healthy and work out more and just try to change my lifestyle. Especially when you have a baby -- I want to know what to cook and how to cook healthier. We've just changed our lifestyles."
That means she also has to rethink her signature dishes.
"I cook, like, soul food, so [now] I have to cook healthy food," she smiles.

As long as that lifestyle change doesn't mean cutting back on selfies, seeing as her T-Mobile Super Bowl ad pokes fun at the sheer amount of selfies Kim takes. "The commercial is so funny and I think for once, you know, you see I'm kind of poking fun at the idea of the ridiculousness of everyone and their selfies," Kim dishes. "I love it. I'm a big fan of selfies. I've taken them for decades."

by etonline

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