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Thursday 23 October 2014

Nigerian Rising youth Writes on Corruption

Nigerian Rising youth Writes on Corruption

Article: A piece of mind about corruption
in this country

This is a term always used on the government of this
country. They always are the
"corrupt leaders that do not have clean hands" as the
mass always claim.
Yes, to an extent, some leaders worth are
questionable; however, there is need to go to
the core if we want to really start tackling corruption.
Over the years, I've had to always read and hear
people complain about the wages of the
Nigerian Government officials, as too much
compared to the current "world's president".
Now, to compare the wage of an ordinary Nigerian
senator to the World's President means
the higher officials have much  more in comparison.
This is to mention only the basic
wage; what about their numerous "multinamed"
allowances that takes so much of the Nigerian wealth
all to their pockets?
I think so deep about why this keeps recurring and
nothing is done about it, and I
conclude in my own opinion, that this problem has
been in the system even before they
entered into it; So they see it as a norm for anyone
who is found in the office.
some years back when I was in school, I had
objective to go into politics; and speaker
to be specific. I could remember I had to step down,
even against the strongest will of my course mates.
This was because the outgoing senator then was
introducing and giving orientation on how "things are
run" in the house. He said something striking that
made me step down. He said, " if you do not join
them in the game, they will see you as an enemy and
likely set you up"
Later over the years, i was going out and heard some
employed youths talked about their
days in school. One of them particularly was telling
them how he embezzled students'
fund back in school. Now, if this person has another
opportunity to be in the Nigerian
Government office, will he do otherwise? This is the
scenario i am trying to show to us
today. They see this as a normal way of life when you
go in there. so they will not stop
the trend.
Corruption is everywhere in the country, from the
least citizen to the highest.
This is why you will see a commercial driver and his
accomplist take advantage of
weather(rain) to increase transportation fee; and why
a police official will always find
it easy to take money at checkpoints; or why a
religious man will stylishly extort money
from their congregation without considering the fear
of God and the original and
supposed message they ought to preach.
corruption is what will make a Government of a
country refuse to pay the wages of the
pensioners for over four months(fifth going), yet they
do not miss their officials'
monthly allowances. This same people are the ones
that want these pensioners votes for
them in the forth coming 2015 Election. I saw the
News about their protest, and nothing
is done about it. How do you want them to survive?
Corruption is not a topic to write and finish in an
article that would be read for
decades. But how can corruption be MAINTAINED?
There is a story about someone I heard of, who
committed suicide because his family
became unfortunate with their wealth which made
the family go to the state of taking garri (cassava
flakes) for a meal. He committed the suicide claiming
that it was better
to be dead than to live that kind of life.
What am I saying? This country is termed one of the
countries that have the highest
poverty rate. whereas there is great wealth in the this
country and it seems the leaders
do not seem to recognise the poverty rate in our dear
country. I would advise and
mention that for a leader to know how the mass feel,
he must stoop low to put himself in
their positon. How can a senator know if there is no
power supply in the country when he
has a regular supply in his residence 24 hours a day?
My advice to the officials with all humility, go and
stay in these areas just for one
week and have a feel of how they live, maybe we will
have a better orientation of what
is happening in NIGERIA.
This little article is not to cause havoc in the nation or
to make some people feel
attacked. However, the truth has to be told and if this
is the only way i can make my
voice known to the world for a better change, then
why shouldn't I?
God bless me, God bless you, and God bless Naija!

Written By Ojo Joseph

For this country to be great, it lies in the hands of the youth. If this nation fall, we all fall. there is no other home apart from this nation for us and even the world knows the importance of this great African Nation with rich human and natural resources. lets join hands and fight corruption which has gotten to the grass root not only in Government......
If you love this nation.....rise up and fight against corruption.

Posted by Maduka Tony

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