Kim Kardashian West admits she always ‘wants to cry’ when she watches Kendall Jenner walk down the fashion runway. The 34-year-old reality TV star admits her eyes usually start filling up with tears whenever she is watching her 18-year-old half-sister do the catwalk because she’s so proud of how far she’s come. Speaking to LOOK magazine, she said: ‘I literally want to cry when I see Kendall walking down a runway. I feel like she’s my daughter sometimes, like I’m a proud mum! She knew what she wanted from the beginning, always, and she got it. ‘I think I’m just so proud that my sister has such a strong work ethic and she’s really achieved what she set out to do and she made it happen for herself. That’s what makes me the most proud.’ However, it doesn’t seem like Kim, who has 16-month-old daughter North with her husband Kanye West, will be attending many more of Kendall’s shows as the youngster recently admitted she doesn’t like Kim watching her when she’s working. Kendall said previously: ‘She [Kim] called me before [one of the shows] and was like, ‘Hey I was invited to the show, I just wanted to let you know. Do you want me to come?’ and I was like, ‘No.’ © NET Newspapers 2014. All Rights Reserved. Please use sharing tools. Do not cut, copy or lift any content from this website without our consent....
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