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Wednesday 7 January 2015

Most Unfortunate Photos Ever Taken

As i was surfing the net, i came across this post and which to share with you all my pals out there. Sometimes you take a photo and don’t realize until after that things have gone horribly wrong. Other times it’s only the person taking the photo that is well aware of the unfortunate result. These photos are some of the most unfortunately timed and captured photos ever to grace the internet.
Playing soccer or football can be a very rough sport, and this photo shows just how rough. After all neither one of them seem to really be enjoying this. And I’m pretty sure they’re not supposed to be using their hands anyway. This perfectly timed photo is probably one that both of these players would rather forget. Maybe there is a reason why this sport is just not as popular in the U.S.
That’s not the basket you should be blocking there. Pretty sure he wasn’t planning on putting the basketball up his nose, so maybe you should try blocking where the actual basket is. You know the big round one that can actually fit a basketball. ­Although he doesn’t seem too upset about where his finger ended up.
And if you ever needed an argument against a camel color interior this is it. While she’s just pleasantly posing inside her car, her car is betraying her by making it appear like she is spread wide and showing herself off. Really in bad taste car, after all she only gave you regular unleaded gas that one time!

Yeah show your basketball pride. Those are some great jerseys and wow you smell good. What kind of cologne is that? Yeah I like that…Okay this one just looks fantastic. However, the guys in the picture probably were not fans of how it turned out. Well maybe the guy in the Lakers jersey liked it because he comes off just looking grumpy.
Figure skating takes a lot of skill and patience. The balance and grace of the moves is really unmatched by any other sport. When you look at the tricks these athletes can pull of it is just amazing. What other sort do you see a woman appearing out of a man’s ass while nothing but her skates touches the ice?

Theme parks are a great place to visit but unfortunately they are always in places that are incredibly hot. It can be hard to find a good place to cool off yourself and your tired kids. Luckily this guy found a great way to help this little girl get some relief from the heat. A small water fountain! That’s what you saw right?
Nothing like a great outing at the beach. Beautiful sand, crystal blue water and you really should have taken a look around before posing for this shot. Either you wandered onto the nude section of the beach or you’re just somewhere that no one cares about that sort of thing. Either way that is one hung photobomb going on back there.

You can’t blame him. After all swimming just involves so little clothes, and there’s so much stress at the Olympics, it’s so nice just to let out a steam and just relax. Although he might have chosen to do it a little further away from his teammates and the camera, but hey as long as he’s enjoying himself. Honestly either way that pause bar is covering up something slightly awkward.

Now this photo isn’t one that is poorly timed, there’s no body parts looking like penises, no background posters in bad positions. No, this is just a photo that is completely unfortunate for everyone in it and everyone that sees it. This is why you don’t drink a large milkshake before getting on roller coaster, because you know that’s just going to come back to haunt you.
If you’re even slightly perverted you’re thinking you should move to Japan where this is the required school uniform. But if you’ve got a sense of humor you eye is drawn to the perfectly placed poster. Yep that’s about right. That’s not exactly a reassuring expression but then he really shouldn’t have his gaze there anyway.

This is poorly timed in that we’re sure no one but the smiley guy wanted this photo taken. We’re also no sure what possible scenario could lead up this. “Mr. President, your fly is down. Here just let me get that for you.” We’ve had our share of presidents caught with other women in their pants but this may be the first caught with another man in his pants.

This limo ride didn’t take an unexpected turn:

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